
Methodology to Save Configuration and STLs from websites using the THREE.JS framework for academic and educational purposes.

Please Always think about the developers of such websites and try to support them whenever possible, as without them, there would be no such tools.

This is based on some ideas from TeaWithLucas, with a focus on making UI lighter & code simpler. It had some issues exporting the current format, so I modernized it a bit, and made it work with current site.



You can drag these to your bookmark-bar:

Go to the page and click the bookmarklet, and it will save the file for you.

Browser Console

You can also use the developer-console, if you like.

  1. Go to the intended website
  2. Open the Javascript Console [F12], then click on Console
  3. Paste the following
// code-loader
g = u => fetch(u || 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/notnullgames/Herosaver/master/dist/herosaver.js').then(r => r.text()).then(eval)

// get STL file
g().then(() => saveStl())

// get OBJ file
g().then(() => saveObj())

// or
// subdivide 2 (increase smoothing quality)
g().then(() => saveStl(2))


You can run npm start to run a local watching dev-server, so you test the code on real site, and reload changes. Use this code to test in developer console:

// code-loader, like in console directions, set this up once
g = u => fetch(u || 'http://localhost:1234/herosaver.js').then(r => r.text()).then(eval)

// get JSON of scene
g().then(() => saveJson())

// get STL
g().then(() => saveStl())